API (v1.1)


List GET

Returns a list of existing documents that may be filtered using store_id, register_id, type and date (using since and until). Please take a look at the Requests page of this documentation to learn how to use pagination parameters.

Example with mandatory parameters

Example with all allowed parameters



Detail GET

Returns all information about a specific document. To obtain a pdf version, just add .pdf extension to the document's id.

Example with mandatory parameters

Example with all allowed parameters



Create POST

Creates a new document like an invoice, a credit note, a receipt for a payment, a transportation document, and all others.

The only mandatory parameter when creating an invoice is items. For each item, you must send at least its qty, along with id (or reference). If it is a new product, it will be created. Regarding client, you don't have to send this parameter if you don't have his fiscal_id, and you should NEVER send fiscal_id as 999999990. And if client does not exist, it will be added.

Credit Notes
When creating a NC, you must specify reference_document for each item, passing document_number and document_row which unequivocally identifies an existing line on the original invoice, along with id and qty. You also have to specify notes stating the reason for issuing the credit note.

Payments and Receipts
To register a customer's payment, you create a receipt, that is, a document of type RG. Relevant parameters are payments and invoices, which should contain a list of all invoices being paid, each identified by its document_number. You should NOT send items.

Example with all allowed parameters



Update PATCH

Example with all allowed parameters

